R.David Presa

3D Artist

Videogame Characters:

Ready to game engines.


Roller queen:

Inquisitor lady:

Cobra Monk:


Dark priestess:


Dwarf warrior:

Artic Wolf:

Bushido Master:

2D art by: Honig studios.

Undead paladin:


Chaman Ti-Pche:

Jean De Florence:

Pacificator Angel:


Anathomy test


Ulan: Gladiator training tutor.

Skull test

Souls scape

Aside project; Game design, 3D design and texturing.

Ubisoft test:

Done in 2016, full job, modeling, handpainted texturing, rigging & skinning. Optimized for mobile.

Arok & The chaos outbreak:

Aside project; Game design, 3D design, texturing, animation and implementation.

I lead and directed this project.

More about Arok:

Arok & The chaos outbreak, sadly, is no longer in development. Our goal was to finish it on January 1, 2021. But the developers involved found other jobs and were forced to abandon the project. In any case, it was an amazing experience in which we all learned a lot.

Even with that, this project opened several doors to some of the developers involed, so, if you're thinking in to create a project, don't hesitate and go for it, a good job provides good results. Even if the results are not the expected ones.

Realtime environments:

Unity & Unreal, Blender (Eevee)

Bolt learning:

Unity visual scripting

Full 3D, Shaders, and animations. In adition this time I coded all ussing Bolt.

Published commercial works (PC & Consoles):

Tachyon Project (Eclipse games):

Full 3D and texture work.

Full enemies, modeling, texturing and animation.